New Kit In Stores- Bunny Trail & Cluster Frame Freebie

Original Post Date- 3/22/14, 5:20 PM Central Standard Time

First of all, I think I have been slacking lately with
doing much of anything. My Carpal Tunnel
has been really bad the past couple weeks,
so it’s been hard doing much of anything,
let alone type.
I do have a new kit in stores… finally.
I made this kit about 3 weeks ago (roughly)
& I just now got it into stores.
I know, bad Magik, bad! LOL

Anyhow… Bunny Trail is a
beautiful & fun Easter/ Spring- themed kit.
It’s filled with 14 papers, 60 elements & 6 frames
for your Easter tags, in greens, pink, lilac & orange.

*This kit was retired & later offered as
a FTU kit. -Magik 11/06/2019

…And to make sure you don’t leave
’empty-handed’, I made a cluster frame
late last night/ early this morning for you:

The frame is a PNG, so it should work in any
program you use. You can grab that here:
Bunny Trail Frame

As always, I enjoy seeing your creations with my kits.
You can send them to me at:
(remove the brackets in my email.)

Enjoy the frame. =)


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