FTU Facebook Timeline Set- Steampunk Ville

Original Post Date- 10/7/16, 7:00 AM Central Standard Time

A while back I’d made a timeline set with another
stunning commissioned tube from the always amazing
Arthur Crowe.

For this tube, I’d asked for a Steampunk version
of Ville Valo & it really is stunning. =)

Anyway, I thought I’d share the set for anyone
who’d like to use it. =)

You are free to snag & use on your own Facebook profiles.

Just please do NOT remove my watermarks,
alter in any way and do NOT claim as your own.

Do NOT butcher/ rip this set to make anything new from it.
That is just tasteless & it always looks horrible. 😉
Thank you & enjoy the set.

I really hope you like it as much as I do. =)
Here’s the timeline (click for full-sized):

And here’s the display piccy:

Thank you for looking. =)


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