PTU Now FTU Kit- Gone Fishin’

Original Post Date- 5/8/15, 12:09 PM Central Standard Time

It’s been a wee bit since I’ve offered a freebie
on my blog for you all.

Since I haven’t been making much
for kits lately, I found a kit I made a
year ago & updated it to make it a freebie.
I hope you all can enjoy this kit
& make some kind of use out of it as well. =)

All I ask is PLEASE no ripping it to make a
new kit nor sharing it in groups.
Directing people to my blog to get it for
themselves is much more appreciated.
…And you stay out of trouble that way. 😉

You can grab the kit from me here:
Gone Fishin’ PTU Now FTU

Of course, it goes without saying
that comments & ‘Thank You’s’ are
always appreciated so very much. 😉

I enjoy seeing your creations with my kits.
You can send them to me at:
(remove the brackets in my email.)

PTU Now FTU: Every Bunny Loves You

Original Post Date- 3/9/15, 7:19 PM Central Standard Time

Again- I wish to thank those of you
that are leaving the ‘Thank you’s’ here and
on the Facebook groups where I post links
for you to snag the freebies. =)

This is the second of two former PTU kits
I’m giving you this month.
This one is also Easter/ Spring themed so hopefully
you’ll be able to find use for it as well.

Like the other kit, there was no need to update
anything- so you’re getting the kit as it was in the store. 😉

I hope you all enjoy this kit
& can make some kind of use out of it as well. =)

All I ask is PLEASE no ripping it to make a
new kit nor sharing it in groups.
Directing people to my blog to get it for
themselves is much more appreciated.
…And you stay out of trouble that way. 😉

You can grab the kit from me here:
Every Bunny Loves You PTU Now FTU

Of course, it goes without saying
that comments & ‘Thank You’s’ are
always appreciated so very much. 😉

I enjoy seeing your creations with my kits.
You can send them to me at:
(remove the brackets in my email.)


Time For Another Freebie- PTU Now FTU: Bunny Express

Original Post Date- 3/5/15, 6:30 PM Central Standard Time

First & foremost- I wish to thank all of you for
leaving the ‘Thank you’s’ on my blog and
on the Facebook groups where I post links
for you to snag the freebies. =)
You all rock my socks!! <3

I have one of two former PTU kits
I’ll be giving you this month.
They’re both Easter/ Spring themed so hopefully
you’ll be able to find use for one or both of them.
I’ll be posting the other one sometime next week. 😉

For the kit I’m offering today,
there was no need to update anything in it-
so you’re getting the kit as I had it in the store. 😉

I hope you all enjoy this kit
& can make some kind of use out of it. =)

All I ask is PLEASE no ripping it to make a
new kit nor sharing it in groups.
Directing people to my blog to get it for
themselves is much more appreciated.
…And you stay out of trouble that way. 😉

You can grab the kit from me here:
Bunny Express PTU Now FTU

Of course, it goes without saying
that comments & ‘Thank You’s’ are
always appreciated so very much. 😉

I enjoy seeing your creations with my kits.
You can send them to me at:
(remove the brackets in my email.)
