Smarty Pants


I have a new kit in my humble little shop tonight. I just finished putting the preview together & zipped it up. 

For my newest kit- a back to school themed one- ‘Smarty Pants’, I decided to stay away from the usual pinks, reds, peaches or purples that I have used in the past & instead used some beautiful sky blues & minty greens which I personally think look great in this kit. 

This will be a fab & fresh- looking kit for all those awesome school-themed tags or timelines you’re inspired to create. 

This kit contains 120 Elements, 15 Papers & 7 Frames.
The papers are 900 X 900 px.

You can find this kit only in my ‘shop’, here.

*** Please respect my TOU in the zipfile-
NO sharing, No ripping, no copying, No reselling, No stealing the colour palette & please No claiming as your own.
Thank you. 

As always, I enjoy seeing your creations with my kits.
You can send them to me at:
(remove the brackets in my email.)

..And I’ll get them posted for you in the Creative Café
part of the MBM forum.

Thank you for reading, as always.


Blues Traveler

Good evening!

I have a new kit in my modest little shop tonight. 

For this kit, I wanted to do something a little bit different. When I was a young teenage punk, I listened to a lot of goth & metal, but I also listened to some of the Blues. 

One musician who I always considered amazing & his legend/ story fascinating was the late Robert Johnson. If you haven’t heard of him, check him out on Wikipedia hereBe sure to check out some of his music that can be found on YouTube as well. 

Anyway, the quick story is this- Legend goes that he disappeared for a year & had sold his soul to a demon at the crossroads to be a great guitar musician. However, it’s also been told that he had learned guitar by another musician/ acquaintance he’d met & stayed with during that year he was gone. They practiced every night in the cemeteries since the acquaintance thought that was the most peaceful place to practice. No matter what the story might be (I believe the latter, even though the former intrigues me), he became an amazing musician & even after his death, he has continued to influence many well-known musicians & bands. 

With that being said, back to this kit:

‘Blues Traveler’ is a dark, occult- meets- music kit in tribute to the late, great & legendary musician Robert Johnson. This kit will be perfect for any dark, bluesy or occult- themed tags or timelines you’re inspired to create.

This kit contains 135 Elements, 17 Papers & 7 Frames.
The papers are 900 X 900 px.

You can find this kit only in my ‘shop’, here.

*** Please respect my TOU in the zipfile-
NO sharing, No ripping, no copying, No reselling, No stealing the colour palette & please No claiming as your own.
Thank you. 

As always, I enjoy seeing your creations with my kits.
You can send them to me at:
(remove the brackets in my email.)

..And I’ll get them posted for you in the Creative Café
part of the MBM forum.

Thank you for reading.


RV There Yet?

Good afternoon! 

I have a new kit in the shop today for you. 

‘RV There Yet’ is a fun Camping/ Fishing- themed kit. This is a great kit to add to your collection for any Summertime/ Camping or Fishing style tags or timelines you’re inspired to create.

This kit contains 110 Elements, 18 Papers & 6 Frames.
The papers are 900 X 900 px.

You can find this kit only in my ‘shop’, here.

*** Please respect my TOU in the zipfile-
NO sharing, No ripping, no copying, No reselling, No stealing the colour palette & please No claiming as your own.
Thank you. 

As always, I enjoy seeing your creations with my kits.
You can send them to me at:
(remove the brackets in my email.)

..And I’ll get them posted for you in the Creative Cafe part of my forum. 

Thank you for reading.
