Just An FYI About Anna (aka Anna’s Attic/ Starduste Designs) Pt. 2

Original Post Date- 7/20/15, 5:36 PM Central Standard Time

If you’ve read my previous post
today about Anna Collaco,
you now know that she is trying to
make another comeback.

As promised, I have the screenshots
of a conversation between two people-
one which is on her CT & the other, my source.

Again, what you choose to do with this
information is up to you. I am
simply informing those who would like to
avoid taking any chances with Anna.

So here I give you the screenshots.
Feel free to share the blog posts or
to simply inform if you choose.
Names & display pix have been blacked
out to protect my source & the person on
Anna’s CT:

Thank you again for reading. =)

…And thank you to my source for
giving me the screen shots & information. =)


Just An FYI About Anna (aka Anna’s Attic/ Starduste Designs)

Original Post Date- 7/20/15, 7:35 AM Central Standard Time

As many of you may already know,
Anna Collaco had ripped some
of my kits for her own kits while she
was on my CT and she was also caught
trying to sell my CU items as CU & CU4CU
which was a violation of my TOU
after she was removed from my CT.

For those who wish to be informed about
any updates concerning her, it was brought
to my attention yesterday by a reliable source
that Anna is now designing under a new name-
Wicked Intenzionz & she also has a new
Facebook ‘identity’: Luna Benning.

I have updated my ‘Wall Of Shame’ page with
this information for quick reference for you all.
Also, my source said she will provide me with
screenshots of proof as soon as she can & if needed
I’ll post them here for you all.

I feel it is my responsibility to keep
you all updated about this since Anna is
known for ripping kits & violating TOU.
What you choose to do with the information from
here is entirely up to you. 😉

Thank you for reading. =)
…And thank you to my source for
giving me this information. =)


Update on my TOU for my FTU & Updated FTU Kits- It’s Good News. I Promise. ;)

Original Post Date- 6/6/15, 10:48 PM Central Standard Time

It has dawned on me that every time I make
a FTU kit or update a previous PTU kit to make
it FTU, I forget to add in my TOU that the kits are
‘okay’ to make clusters or cluster frames.

So… this is just a nice little post to let you all know that-
YES! You can make clusters or cluster frames with my FTU kits or the updated FTU kits.
And yes, this particular update of TOU is ‘retro-active’-
meaning that my older FTU kits you may
have snagged can be used for cluster frames as well.

And, if by chance I forget to add that info in my TOU
when I make a FTU kit, or update a PTU kit
to make it FTU, refer to this post. 😉

Also, since I’m already posting on my blog,
I just as well answer another question I’ve been
asked about recently-
If you’re making a tag, forum set, etc. with
one of my kits & not using any artwork,
you can simply add ‘Scraps by Magik’ or
‘Manipulated By Magik Scraps’ for your credits
on your tags, timeline sets, etc.
I’m not too picky about this
& adding a url seems a bit un-necessary
if it’s a scraps-only tag. 😉

Anyhow, I hope I’ve been able to clear things up
about cluster frames with my FTU kits.

…And I’m slowly working on updating a previous PTU
kit to make it a freebie for you all
as time allows me. So keep an eye out for it. 🙂

Thank you for reading.
