TOU Violations, Kit Ripping- Part 2

Original Post Date- 7/28/14, 10:11 PM Central Standard Time

If you’ve read my previous post,
you know who this is about.

In this post, I’m just going to share a few
kit previews of hers or tags from her CT where
I can see items from my kits that she used-
some of these items not being available since
SATC closed its doors last Nov.

But, before I get into that, I also want you
all to know that the one store owner did ask
Anna to remove her Love Meow kit from the store & gave
her a warning that no other issues should come up.

Interestingly enough, Anna removed ALL
her kits from all her stores.
She even went as far as to remove
posts about her kits from her blog
(except CT tags) & also removed
all the previews of her kits from her fanpage
on Facebook.

Why would someone do that unless they knew
their kits contained pirated items?

Now then, I’m just going to post a few previews
of hers that I was able to get before they disappeared.

Her kit: ‘I love SF’:

See that beer glass on the right?

Lookie here, from my Summer Days kit:

Interesting, huh?

Anna wrote a tut for my Summer Days kit, btw.
Here it is.

How about the rocket on the left of this tag
with her Bling On The 4th kit:

Kind of looks like my rocket in my FTU Sampler:

And on a side note… that rocket came from
Bibi back in 2011 at SATC when she had this
Buy My Christmas Store & that was
a template in that deal. I originally bought the deal for the kits, but I kept the other stuff for no real reason. LOL.
Note that this was removed from the store
at the end of Dec. 2011.

Well, now. Aren’t those pink sparkles pretty?
This is a CT tag made with her Pink Just Got Real kit:

Those sparkles in the background,
esp. those ringed sparkles?
They haven’t been available since SATC closed.
Why? Because they came from Skyscraps:

I’ve used those sparkle rings a few times
in my kits (I LOVE them!)
Most notably in my Adrenalize kit.
And Anna made a tutorial with that kit here.

And how about the shoes in this tag
made with her kit?:

(Yes the tag is that size from Anna’s blog)

If she really bought that CU item, why would she make it all
just one colour when it comes like this (see the layers?):

Again, that’s an item I’ve used in some of my kits
from a CU pack that I paid for.

That last question is interesting, & here’s why-
A while back when she was still on my CT, she’d asked me
a question I thought was strange at the time.
Knowing what I know now, I understand what she meant
by ‘stacked colours’- she wanted to make items she
was stealing from kits look as though they
were made from scripts, etc. one would normally buy.

I’ll share that convo with you now:

Again, at the time I didn’t know what she meant
by ‘stacked colours’. After seeing a few of her earlier kit
previews, I now know what she was trying to achieve.

Now there’s other things I could get into like her
desperately wanting my old kit preview but
I’m just so over it all.
I will however let you read my screen caps:

There has been talk with some from my CT that wonder
if she was trying to replicate my kits to get sales.
I still have no idea, I do however know she’d once told me
she’d sold a couple kits after changing to my old preview.

As far as anyone who bought her kits &
maybe mistaking them for mine- you might want to
ask for your money back since chances are
the kit you bought contains pirated items
from other kits from other designers.
..And if you bought the kits thinking they
were mine- I’m very very sorry. I can’t help you.

Now, before I close this blog post,
Anna at one time did have a license to use
my commissioned Ville tubes from Arthur Crowe
& The Hunter. These are the tubes:

Her license was MagikCT006AC
Her license has been revoked for these tubes!
She is not allowed to use them at all in any way.
And if she were to try to share them with you,
delete them & let me know ASAP.
I do NOT trust her. AT ALL.

Knowing everything I know about her now
she is someone who cannot be trusted even the slightest.

Also, I want it noted that permission for Anna
to use ANY of my CU items is revoked!

I am not risking her selling my items I give away
for free for others to use for their kits.
If I’m not making money off my CU items,
she shouldn’t be either! End of.

So, in conclusion, Anna-
delete my tubes, kits & my CU items NOW.
You are no longer allowed to use anything from my blog
or anything you got while on my CT.

Thank you all again for reading.
Feel free to pass the information from both posts
onto people. The more people know, the better. 😉


TOU Violations, Kit Ripping- Part 1 & A Freebie For Reading….

Original Post Date- 7/28/14, 8:40 PM Central Standard Time

And this time I’m not talking about Jenny.
As much as I wish I was, sadly I’m not. =/
I’d rather be making this post about Jenny-
not someone I thought was a friend.

The newest person I’ve discovered to
be violating my TOU & ripping my kits
is Anna Collaco of Anna’s Attic.

Anna was once on my Creative Team until she
was let go a couple months ago for not advertising
like she was supposed to be doing.
Other members have been advertising & we
all found out she wasn’t, so she was let go.
And now I discovered she was ripping kits
she got from me while on my CT.
And even now, I’m not sure if she did it out
of spite or what?

She was someone I had trusted &
as of Friday, I have found that she betrayed
any trust I had in her.

So once again, I have to make a post like this,
to inform all of you to be wary of her kits,
to make sure she isn’t ripping from you.

To keep this post from being too lengthy,
I’m going to present the proof here.
Other kits, etc. will go on a ‘Part Two’ post.;)

And at the end of this post, I will have a freebie for you-
a special one-of-a-kind kit I’d made
just for Anna that I’m giving to everyone
for FREE!

Now, keep in mind, Anna was on my CT at the time
of Jenny’s ripping of my Pink’d kit the first & second time
and all times since & she knew ripping kits was wrong.

Last Friday I saw on my Facebook home page some
Commercial Use frames were newly avail. in
a store Anna & I both sell in.
These are frames that were made using my
CU Circle Frames.

I knew these were my frames because of the
glass effect on them- Exhibit A- Anna’s CU Frames:

Exhibit B- My Templates:

You can see that the glass effect is the exact same
on her frames & on my preview.
Also note that my preview says Commercial Use.
It does NOT say CU4CU which is how Anna
was using them. And my TOU in the zipfile say
they’re for CU for kits ONLY.

For her frames she also used my CU glitter sheets.
Those I’m not too anal about how they’re used,
as long as no one resells them or claims them as theirs.

How did I know Anna had these frames?
Here’s a screen shot from my CT group & Anna’s
first set of frames she’d made with my templates &
glitter sheets/ styles:

The discussion itself:

And more of that discussion on her frames
in my group:

At the time, she’d made this set free
for Personal Use only-
the way they were supposed
to be used (or add them to PU kits).
…And if you were to click on the link to the frames
on my blog above, she even commented on the post. 😉

*On my blogger blog is where she’d commented.
-Magik 11/06/2019

Since I saw those frames, my curiosity was piqued.
So I went to the store & was looking through
her items in the store to see if she was selling
more of my CU freebies.
I did not expect to come across a kit
where she ripped an element from my kit.

This is the kit I saw- never mind she also
used my colour palette:
Exhibit C- Anna’s kit: Love Meow:

Look at the milk bottle on the right.
Look closely at the details of it-
the glass effect, the text,
even the placement of that text.

Now, last year, I made this kit:

Now, the bottle doesn’t show in my preview,
but it IS in my kit:

I’m going to trust this not to be stolen,
since this is posted for comparisons ONLY.
Here’s the bottle- Exhibit D:

At one time I was a subscriber to Sugarbutt’s old blog.
She regularly had limited-time freebies on her blog.
A Carnival-themed set was posted & I downloaded it.
At the time, her items were CU/CU4CU/PU, etc.

This set had a ‘cluster’ of these bottles in it,
as I’ll show you in one of folders I have of her items
(they’re the red ones btw):

When I made my Kurious Kitty kit, I extracted one
of those bottles from the rest. I then desaturated it
& made it white. Then I added a glass effect on it.
Last, I added my text to make it look like a milk bottle
before saving it in the kit. In other words, I modified it.
And if you see in the above pic, I made the extracted
bottle into a image file for my own future use,
since I’m not a fan of tubing anything. LOL

So how did Anna get the same exact bottle
with the same exact glass effect & text?
She’d made a tutorial with my kit last Dec.,
so she had the kit. Her tutorial is here.

And on a side note, when I brought this up
to the store owner, I gave her my bottle file.
She tried to ‘replicate’ it the best she could
& it wasn’t exact like Anna’s is.
Proof that Anna clearly stole the bottle from my kit.

Also, you can also see these CT tags
by one of Anna’s CT girls that tagged her kit.
This gives you a better view of that bottle:

Now, I have more stuff to post concerning
Anna, but I don’t want this post to be so long.
Keep an eye on my blog because another post
will be coming soon.

But for now, as promised, here’s the freebie kit
for you. The kit was made for Anna as a gift.
It was based on a document my CT members
filled out, describing themselves or their likes.
I hope you all can at least enjoy it.
I was going to change the name of the kit,
but decided not to. I’d rather people be able to
associate this kit with a thief & remember not to trust her.

You can grab this kit here:

Thank you for reading.
Enjoy the kit & please come back for
part two about this thief.


Wall Of Shame Post- Jenny’s Designz

Original Post Date- 3/15/14, 11:52 PM Central Standard Time

Unless you’ve been living under a rock the past year,
you are probably aware of 2 past issues I’ve had
with Jenny’s Designz (aka Jenny Pierce)
ripping from my FTU Pink’d kit to make kits of her own.

The other night I found yet another (gasp!)
kit of hers where she ripped from my kit again.
Again? you ask. Yes, again. *sigh*

Now at first I thought maybe she just
made the one kit FTU & posted on her blog.
Nope. That isn’t the case. >.<

The name of the first kit from Jenny was Burlesque Gurl.
The second kit I found my items in was named
Linda’s Emo Music- a kit I had to BUY to see
if my items were in it like I’d seen on a CT tag.
Mind, I was never reimbursed for that blastin’ kit.

No, this third kit has a different name- Emo Bad Gurl,
which you can find in a list of links, here.
(UPDATE- Jenny has removed the post &
her C-box from her blog).
I encourage you download the kit, open my Pink’d kit
& compare the items. Then, click on the properties of
the similar items & look at the creation dates.
The creation date is June 18, 2012 on both.

When I made the Pink’d kit originally, it was on that date.
It WAS a PTU kit & had gone into the ART store on
20, June 2012, as you can see on this post.
*I have since unpublished posts on that blog due to pirating. -Magik

I made the kit FTU in Apr. of last year. See here.
*Since my blog is closed, that FTU post
has been reposted here. -Magik 11/06/2019

Now, on a side note, the creation date of her preview
for this kit is ‎Thursday, ‎May ‎02, ‎2013…
so how in the HELL can she have items
dating back older than that creation date?

You know what, while you’re looking at the
properties of her elements, are you noticing
that other items have an older creation date?
This is because she is RIPPING everyone’s kits!!!

At this point I can’t even say if I’m mad,
frustrated, or what. I really don’t know.
BUT! I am considering making a tally on my blog
of just how many kits she’s made with items
from my Pink’d kit in it.
I swear she LOVES using that kit. =/

And I also know this- if she has downloaded
ANY of my Commercial Use items from my blog,
her license to use them is REVOKED.
Yes, Jenny that means you need to delete ANYTHING
you have gotten from my blog.
You do NOT have permission to use anything from me.

Once a thief, always a thief.
As for those of you who wish to
continue supporting her- just… why?

And one last thing…
Yes, I’m going to continue to watch her.
Yes, I’ll keep calling her out on her ripping kits.
Maybe one day we can all hope she’ll actually stop.