Sleepwalking Past Hope PTU Kit

Original Post Date- 7/8/12, 6:10 PM Central Standard Time

Dust off your doom & gloom tubes for this kit.
Based off a song by HIM-Sleepwalking Past Hope-
this kit is the ‘warmer’ side of Goth.

This kit is packed with lots of goodies for you.
With 30 papers, 106 elements, 5 frames, the possibilities are endless.
I have also included this bonus template with the kit:

* This kit is currently not available for purchase.
-Magik 4/21/2023

I also have a set of CU styles based off this colour palette
that can also be found in the ART store.

* These styles were posted as FTU at a later date.
-Magik 11/04/2019

I’d love to see any of your creations made with this kit.
Feel free to send them to me at:
(remove the brackets in my email.)


Swag Alley Blues- PTU & Freebies

Original Post Date- 7/1/12, 7:23 PM Central Standard Time

* I have this in the ‘Misc. Old Freebies’ category
since there were a couple different freebies
offered in this post. – Magik 11/04/2019

I have another kit newly added to the
Artistic Reality Talent store.
*Store is closed, kit became FTU.
-Magik 11/04/2019

…And I have a couple freebies for you also.

This is my newest kit: A little Gangsta,
a little PIMP, but Bad-ass & Blue:

Swag Alley Blues is a great kit to add to your collection
for all your Gangsta or PIMPin’ tags.

With 25 papers, 83 elements & 5 frames,
its packed with lots of goodies for you.

You can find it in the
Artistic Reality Talent store here.

And while you’re there, I also have a set of
CU glitter styles for you as well:

These can be found in the ART store here.
* These were offered later for FTU too.
-Magik 11/04/2019

Now for the freebies.
First, I have an add-on teaser kit for you:

You can download this here:
Swag Alley Blues Add-On Teaser

And I have a set of free
CU Satin Styles for you as well:

These can be found here:
Swag Alley Blues CU Satin Styles

I’d love to see any of your creations
with this kit or the add-on kit.
Feel free to send them to me at:

(remove the brackets in my email.)


FTU- More Animated Blings

Original Post Date- 6/20/12, 5:05 AM Central Standard Time

I made some animated blings a couple weeks ago & posted some about a week ago.
These are another different batch.
These are free to use for forum sets, tags, etc.
All I ask is not to make anything for profit with them. 🙂

Each file has a PSD & MNG file along with the preview.
Download links are below the previews.;)

Glitter Trail

Glitter Trail 2

Heart Bling

Star Trail

Swirl Trail

I hope you can find a good use for these.
I’d love to see what you can make with them. 🙂
