A Note About My CU Items & Updated CU TOU

Original Post Date- 7/4/13, 4:52 AM Central Standard Time

After much thought about my CU items,
I have decided that I will not (ever)
be trying to sell them. =)

There are a few factors in my decision:
1- People who are just starting out,
may not be able to afford to buy CU products.

2- I want to be able to provide something for those
who may only make kits on occasion for forum
challenges, etc. without them having to buy any
of my items they might like to use.

3- For me it would be too much of a hassle to add
them to any stores I may sell in.

So, with that being said, effective immediately
going forward, all my CU items
(excluding my PS styles & glitter sheets)
& future items I’ll be posting, credit to me
MUST be given in your TOU or credit document
that you put in your kits.
I think this is only fair since I’m
giving my items away for free use. 😉

I have updated all my TOU & made pages for each of them.
My CU TOU (excluding Styles) with the updated info,
can be found here, or by clicking the CU TOU tab
located over there on the left. 😉

I also have an updated TOU for the PS Styles posted as well.
At this time I’m not requiring credit on those. 😉

I hope you enjoy & can use the CU items
I have offered & will be offering.
Yes, I plan to have some more CU
goodies coming soon. =P

Stay tuned….

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