PTU Now FTU- Bedtime Stories

Original Post Date- 7/17/13, 8:00 PM Central Standard Time

This is another kit I had pulled from my stores
a few months ago with the intention to make
it FTU… I just never really got a chance to get it
posted on my blog. BUT! Finally, I’m getting it posted
for you all to enjoy. =)

The only update to this kit is the tiara element.
I had to replace this element because the Designer
of the original tiara I had in the kit when it was PTU
doesn’t allow her CU items in free kits.

So, if you had bought this kit in the past,
you don’t have to download this kit,
unless you want the other tiara, too. 😉

With that being said, I hope you all enjoy this kit
& it sparks some inspiration for some wonderful tags. =)
You can grab the kit here:
Bedtime Stories

As always, I love to see your creations
made with any of my kits.
You can send them to me at:
(Make sure to remove the brackets around the @ sign.)

Have fun with the kit! =)

6 thoughts on “PTU Now FTU- Bedtime Stories”

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