Original Post Date- 11/15/14, 9:24 PM Central Standard Time
I have a FTU kit for you tonight.
This kit was part of store collab a couple years ago.
The theme was Vintage Christmas.
It’s one of my first Christmas kits,
so I hope you like it. =)
Like all my other FTU kits,
this kit is for Personal Use only,
so please no ripping it to make new kits.
Also, please don’t share this kit.
It’s so much nicer to point people to my blog
for the kit & it keeps you out of trouble. 😉
I really hope you enjoy this kit
& have fun with it. =)
You can download the kit here:
Vintage Christmas
Comments & thank you are always appreciated.
It inspires me to offer more freebies for you. =)
As always, I enjoy seeing your creations with my kits.
You can send them to me at:
(remove the brackets in my email.)