FTU- Tag Template 0039

Original Post Date- 3/5/15, 7:37 AM Central Standard Time

It’s been so long since I’ve made & offered
a tag template for you- almost a year to be exact. o.O

For some reason, unbeknownst to me,
I just had an urge to make a template. LOL

So, here you go:

The zipfile contains both a PSP & PSD template. 😉

You can grab this from me, here:

Of course, it goes without saying
that comments & ‘Thank You’s’ are
always appreciated so very much. 😉

As always, have fun with the template. =)


4 thoughts on “FTU- Tag Template 0039”

    1. You are so very welcome, Sweetie.😊
      Thank you for the comment.💖
      Have fun with the template.😊

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