Freebie- American Rebel Cluster Frame

Original Post Date- 6/5/16, 6:30 PM Central Standard Time

Hello, Darklings!
I DO have a freebie for you. =)

In my post last night, I said I wouldn’t be
giving kits for a while,
but I can still give you all something.
So, I thought I’d make a cluster frame with my
American Rebel kit & give that to you
so you don’t leave my blog empty-handed. =)

The frame is a PNG, so it should work in any
program you use. You can grab that here:
American Rebel Frame.

I hope you all can enjoy this frame
& make some kind of use out of it. =)

*** Please respect my TOU in the zipfile-
NO sharing, No ripping, no reselling,
& please No claiming as your own.
Thank you. <3

All I ask is PLEASE no sharing it in groups,
on sites, blogs or within emails.
Directing people to my blog to get it for
themselves is much more appreciated.
…And you stay out of trouble that way. 😉

Of course, it goes without saying
that comments & ‘Thank You’s’ are
always appreciated so very much. 😉

I enjoy seeing your creations with my kits.
You can send them to me at:
(remove the brackets in my email.)

Enjoy the frame. =)


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