New PTU Tagger Kit- Pop Fizz Clink

Original Post Date- 12/24/16, 9:48 PM Central Standard Time

Pop Fizz Clink is a New Years/ Celebration kit filled with
125 Elements, 20 papers & 6 frames in silvery & smoky blues.
This is the perfect kit for some fab tags. 🙂

There are no items in this kit with a year on them,
so this can be used for many years to come. 😉

This kit can only be found in my own little ‘shop’, here.

*** Please respect my TOU in the zipfile-
NO sharing, No ripping, no copying, No reselling, No stealing the colour palette & please No claiming as your own.
Thank you.<3

As always, I enjoy seeing your creations with my kits. 🙂
You can send them to me at:
(remove the brackets in my email.)


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