Good Morning!
I’m just starting my cup of coffee for the day,
even though I’ve been awake for a while.
Anyway, while working in my MBM forum,
I got to thinking of a few things.
First of all anyone is welcome to join the forum.
As long as you’re not a pirate, kit or tag ripper
or Drama Queen, you should be okay.
It does have some ‘visitor’ areas that anyone can see if they stop by. …Just like I had on my Spruz site-
except you can reply in most of these areas also.
Find my forum here.
The second thing is if you do join, please be a little patient with me. I had that forum since 2011… and around 2015 it went on hiatus. I am literally just ‘relearning’ how to use it since it’s much different than the forum I had on my Spruz site.
I’m not sure if forumotion made any drastic changes with anything in that time it was on hiatus. BUT! I’ve been wrong before. I think if you join I have to approve you. But I’m not 100% sure. I know I had to change a setting a couple weeks ago because the forum wasn’t working for a person who had joined… and then left before I could find out what the issue was. Anyway, after searching the forumotion boards, I think I discovered the issue. I tweaked a few things & hopefully have the problem resolved. I made a new back up account & I didn’t have to approve that one & everything seemed to be working dandy- I posted several replies in there & so far it has been O.K., so I guess if anything, let me know if you have an issue & be patient please as I try to fix it for you.
With that being said, I also had made a post over there two weeks ago & I realised that even though it’s in a public area of my forum, it might not be seen, so I’m going to ‘re-post’ it here as well. Read on:
Thank you for stopping by.
This is not your typical ‘Tagger Forum’. This is my own version of that. This forum in no way will be like any of the other Tagger’s forums out there. I know I’ll probably be missing some threads, or ideas… and that is okay, because I don’t want to be like the others.
I don’t peek at what other forums have for information such as artist permissions. I’m going to assume you belong to enough forums that have given you that information already.
I’m also not going to copy any other’s ideas for Tagger Challenges, etc. I have my own ideas & my own ‘vision’ of how to do them. I pride myself on my own uniqueness & who would I be if I copied other ideas?
This forum will be different. It’s always going to be a bit ‘HIM-Inspired’ & that will never go away. But, aside from that, I invite you to join me… and help make this forum a unique & fun experience.
We’ll do things a bit differently… and add our own twists to ‘common’ challenges & discussions.
Thank you again for stopping by.
I hope to see you here.
You can read my other posts- About, Disclaimer, Terms Of Membership in this board here. That board should be set for anyone to visit.
Oh! And I have a special tagger challenge created for forum members & Guests. You can check it out & give it a try here.
I think I’ve rambled enough. I’ll see you soon.
Have a great day! Stay safe & make good choices.