Re-posting CT Tags

As you may have noticed, I’d been re-posting CT tags as well as other tags made with my kits & things from my Manipulated By Magik blog here in this area of my forum: Magik’s Tag Showcase. This area is open for outside/ non-member visitors to view.

I decided to repost these here since I’m reverting all posts on my blogger blog to drafts & therefore that blog is going to be empty except for one post once I’ve completed this project.

Once I have all those posts completed, I’ll be adding all the CT tags from my one & only Belinda as well in that area & will continue to post in there going forward. 

I’m also posting tuts, tags & what-not I’ve made with my own kits, templates & stuff as well. ..And I have many that I never posted on my blog that will also be getting posted here.

With that being said, again- it is preferred to start looking for freebies, tuts, etc. on this site as I’ve posted here on this blog entry. These areas will always remain open to the public/ non-members to view as long as there isn’t any problems with sharing, ripping, pirating, etc. 

If anyone still wishes to link to my blog when crediting me, that is fine, btw. I will have one single blog post that will be open to redirect visitors here.

Update 3/20/2021: Please Read- The site on Spruz has since been sun- setted & will be going offline sometime in 2021.
I will be working on reposting all these CT tags, etc. (sigh) again in my MBM forum. The ‘Magik’s Tag Showcase‘ board has been created & once I have this blog here completed, that will be my next project to start on. That board will be open for non-members (visitors) to view as well as members. 

Thank you for reading. 


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