MBM Forum Update


Hope this sees you all well. 

I’m not going to post a ‘lot’ of news here about my forum, however, I did want to mention that I have all of the tags re-posted in the ‘Magik’s Tag Showcase‘ of the new forum.  If you were to go onto my old Spruz site, they are now gone since I had to move them to keep track of what threads I’d finished. I have some I still have to post there that I’ve gotten since last Nov., that were not posted on the old site, but I’ll get them posted in the MBM forum later this week. 

Anyway, with that being said, my Tuts still need to be re-posted, but those are not a concern right now since I do still have them (unpublished) on my blogger account. 

Later this week, I’m hoping to continue work on my site pages if I can. I am hoping for a launch date of the April 10th of the site. Again- this is not going to be a site like I had. It will just be a pretty little bundle of pages to tie my blog, forum & shop together.  Once I get the site launched, I can start work on a shop. That’s the goal at least. 

I don’t have anymore updates right now. Any further updates (there are actually a few) about the forum I’ll be posting in the forum later this week.

As always, thank you for reading. 
Have a great day! Stay safe & make good choices. 


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