FTU- Template: Heart Forum Set

Original Post Date- 1/16/12, 11:31 PM Central Standard Time

Last night I had this idea for a forum set- heart shaped,
since Valentines Day is next month.

In my tutorial, I do have it linked for download.
BUT! In case anyone wants to skip the tutorial & just
want the template, I have it here for you.

There is a PSP & PSD version of both pieces in the download file.

If you want to make a somewhat ‘unique’ forum set,
you can download this temp here:
Heart forum set

Enjoy the temp set. =)

FTU- Template: Heartache Every Moment

Original Post Date- 1/13/12, 5:27 PM Central Standard Time

I had another idea for a template, so thought I’d share it.
Like my first attempt, this one is based
on a song by the Finnish band- HIM, called
Heartache Every Moment.
Lyrics on the template are Ville Valo/ HIM.

I have a PSP & PSD version in the download file:

You can snag this template here:
Heartache Every Moment Template

Enjoy the template. =)


FTU- Love wordart inspired by HIM

Original Post Date- 1/8/12, 6:02 AM Central Standard Time

Since I was already ‘inspired’ to make a template,
I thought why not make some word art, too?
This set of word art is inspired by lyrics
from the Finnish band, HIM.

The word art is on multiple layers which will allow
you to colourise, dropshadow, etc.
to your own preferences.

There is a PSP & PSD file in the zip.
Here’s a preview:

All I ask is not to claim this creation as your own.
Download here

I hope you enjoy these word art creations. =)
