Greetings, Darklings
If you’ve visited my site or blog recently
or even seen the previews to my new kits,
you may have noticed I have a ‘No AI’ logo on them.😅
I have made this logo into a template
for any of you to modify & add to your
kit previews, or other previews to show
your items are also free of that AI garbage. 😋
Let’s give the ‘AI lovers’ a finger up
in showing our determination in staying AI- Free.
This is a preview of how that template will look:

You can snag this from me here:
No AI Logo Template
The zip file contains both a PSP & PSD template.
I hope you all can find this useful. 😊
*** Please respect my TOU in the zipfile-
NO sharing, No ripping, no copying, No reselling.
Please No claiming as your own.
Thank you. 😊
And while you’re here, if you wish to snag
my graphic or stamp, you can also grab them from me.
Just right- click & save:

Thank you for reading. Have a great day!
Stay safe & make good choices! 💖