Original Post Date- 3/6/16, 12:36 AM Central Standard Time
First, I wish to thank those of you
that are leaving the ‘Thank you’s’ on my blog and
on the Facebook groups where I post links
for you to snag the freebies. =)
Tonight I have three former PTU kits I’m giving you.
These are all Easter/ Spring themed so hopefully
you’ll be able to find a use for them. 😉
There was no need to update
anything in any of these kits
(to the best of my knowledge)-
so you’re getting the kits as they were in stores. 😉
Also, one of these kits was part of
a store collab at Mystical Scraps.
The first kit I have for you is Bunnilicious.
This is still one of my own personal favourite kits
so I’m hoping you all will love it just as much as I do. =)
You can grab the kit from me here:
Bunnilicious PTU Now FTU
The next kit I have for you is my Spring Fling kit:
You can grab the kit from me here:
Spring Fling PTU Now FTU
The last kit I have for you was part of
the Mystical Scraps ‘Spring Into Easter’ collab:
You can grab the kit from me here:
Spring Into Easter PTU Now FTU
I hope you all enjoy these freebies
& can make some kind of use out of them as well. =)
All I ask is PLEASE no ripping them to make
new kits, nor sharing them in groups.
Directing people to my blog to get them for
themselves is much more appreciated.
…And you stay out of trouble that way. 😉
*Also, please respect my TOU in the zipfile-
NO sharing, No ripping, no reselling,
No stealing the colour palettes &
please No claiming as your own.
Thank you. <3
Of course, it goes without saying
that comments & ‘Thank You’s’ are
always appreciated so very much. 😉
I enjoy seeing your creations with my kits.
You can send them to me at:
(remove the brackets in my email.)