It’s with a heavy heart I make this post. After over 10 years of having a site on the Spruz platform- from a HIM fan site to a PSP/ Tagger’s getaway, I have to say good-bye to it.
Adobe made an announcement a few years ago that 2020 would be the EUL (end of life) for flash player after Dec. 31st, meaning that there will be no more updates, etc. for the browser extension. Google, Firefox, Opera & most all other browsers will no longer be supporting flash players after Dec. 31, 2020. This also means that many websites, website platforms, etc. that use flash in their applications either have to update to use alternative applications or coding or sunset (‘death’) of those sites or platforms.
The platform this site has been on since Apr. 24, 2010 & is currently on- Spruz 1.0- will be going offline- or sunsetting. I had created an account on the new Spruz 2.0 platform a few months ago, but it’s way different & many of the features or options I have here- such as a forum- is not available there, nor will my profile themes be available.
No activity on this site can be going on in order for me to have it migrated to the new platform, which is why this place has seemed ‘dead’. I do want to have the site migrated there just to see if I can make it work, since I would like to save my blog posts & that will allow me to do so. With this migration process all members here should be moved over to the new site. Your photos & profiles should be saved, but I can’t make a 100% guarantee on it.
The other option I’m considering is going back to Ning where this site originally was back when it was a HIM site- before I rebuilt it here. The downfall is I have to rebuild the site from the ground up (again- like I did when I started my HIM site here), but I know they do have a forum there.. & I think my profile themes will also work there. The downfall is I would have to repost ALL of my blog posts…. at least 98% of them.
With that being said, it will be a while before I will have a shop open again as I research options, since neither platform currently have an option for an online digital store. Spruz 2.0 has a store option, but it looks to be for physical goods only atm. I had asked about them supporting a digital goods store option & was told they would possibly have that feature in October. So far, it’s still not available as far as I can tell. So, for now, my shop is currently closed & I won’t be making any new kits until I have a new shop set up- I will be on hiatus with kits for a while. Looking into platforms for an online digital shop is something I’ll work on once I get the site issue taken care of.
I have spent the past few weeks working on backing up what I can from the forum here. Most other stuff from the site I have manually backed up… at least the important stuff,(which is something I’d been doing since mid-September), minus the blog. As I’d worked in the forum here (which was basically copying & pasting most main discussion posts into notepad files), I’ve closed up boards. I did this to control activity on the site here so when the time came to migrate to the new Spruz platform, I will be able to have that done, which will be happening as soon as I submit my request for it to be done.
I’ll keep updates about the progress or any news on the fate of the ‘new’ Manipulated By Magik site, once I have the site successfully migrated to the new platform or if I’ll be starting from scratch on Ning. Those blog posts will be on my blogger here: with details on the site address, etc.
With that being said, I have to post the following:
I want to thank everyone who has been with me over the years here at -for being here with me & putting up with me. From the HIM fans back in the early days of this site- some I’ve had memorable friendships with: Mo, Geeno, Crimson Newmoon, HrtShpBox, Angel Of Music, Luna, Steph, Tragedy, Jacintha Lynn, Bobo & all the others- Whether or not we are still friends are not, have kept in touch or not- Thank You for being here in the beginning & making the baby stages of this site memorable & fun. Never forget our random chat parties, party posts & the excitement of HIM news we’d all ‘squee’ about. Thank you again. You all have been awesome & amazing.
*huge group hugz*
…And to the Taggers others in the PSP community who have found their way here- Gail, Mystic, Belinda, Xtenziv, Penny, and all others- including visitors who’ve stopped by- Thank You for being with me & showing support as I converted this site from a HIM fan spot to a Tagger’s getaway. Thank you for the friendships & the support each day. I hope to see you all soon once I have this site back up running at it’s new address- whatever that may be. lol
*huge group hugz*
Thank you again everyone for the amazing memories. I’ll see you sometime in 2021. In the meantime, please- take care & stay safe. Have a most Wonderful, Safe, Healthy & Blessed New Year. May 2021 be a much better & memorable year for all of us.
…And finally, Good-Bye
Thank you for reading.