Links Page Is Up

Good early morning. 

I finally have my links page online. You can find that page here. If you’d like me to add your link, give me a holla & I’ll get you added. 

Speaking of links, I have two new blinkies you can use to link to my blog or the site:

I’m not a fan of making those little buggers. but I think they look pretty good…and not so ‘plain’ as my older ones. 

In other news… I am still working on trying to find a place to set up my shop. Right now I feel zencart is not going to be an option I’m interested in- it’s just too complicated. I am looking at a couple other options though. I’ll keep you posted on the status of the shop. In the meantime, wish me luck. 

As always, thank you for reading. 
Have a great day! Stay safe & make good choices. 

Manipulated By Magik Site…

…is live now!!! Err…. most of it is, anyway. 


I have good news, which means I’m getting closer to setting up a new shop. 

You can now visit my site here:

There’s a couple links that are not going to work yet, since I am still working on them. Those links are: Shop & Links. BUT! Those pages will be coming as soon as I’m able to get them created.  With that being said, if you’d like me to add you to the ‘Links’ page, leave me a comment in the C-box. 

There is no way to join this site, sorry. The forum is open for you to join, though. 

Anyway, feel free to take a peek & leave a lil’ comment to let me know what you think.

As always, thank you for reading.
Have a great day! Stay safe & make good choices. 


Exclusive Tubes Now Avail. In The MBM Forum

Good evening. 

I know it’s probably not ‘typical’ for forums to post on their blogs their exclusive tubes, but… since I’m still setting up my forum & everything, I decided to make this post. 

Most know I have several tubes of Ville Valo.  I am making them available again in my MBM forum. I am going to post previews of the tubes I have, including my newest ones, which will also be available.  All except for one are commissions I’d received from Arthur Crowe. The other one I have is from The Hunter.

This is the one tube we have from The Hunter:

These are our newest commissions:

As always, thank you for reading. 
Have a great day! Stay safe & make good choices.