

It’s been a while since I’ve posted on any blog.

There’s a very good reason for that. I’ve been working as time allows to move everything from the ‘Manipulated By Magik’ site here… and to transform this site (which once used to be my ‘HIM-Addicts’ site) into my ‘Manipulated By Magik’ site. I still have much to do, but I am getting more & more accomplished.

I had decided a few months ago that I wanted to eventually transform this site, since it has a few extra bells & whistles that the current MBM site doesn’t have, since this has them grandfathered in from many years ago when this site was created for HA. …And since HIM have called it quits over a year ago, it seemed pointless to keep Addicts going & toss away all the time that I’ve put into this site so many years ago.

So, here we are now. Many of the old HIM groups are gone, but there are a few groups that remain simply because they are more ‘site’ themed groups & not groups about the band, HIM, or the members of that band.

It has been a heartbreaking process to remove elements of this site, thus erasing memories this site has accumulated over the years. BUT! Time must go on and changes are a good thing. Granted, there will still be some ‘HIM-spired’ things around such as the emots, some profile themes, etc… but that is pretty much going to be all there will be.

Now, enough babbling… here’s the updates I’ve accomplished thus far:

As of a few days ago, I have all my kits (that are not retired) finally moved over to this site. Kits will no longer for sale on the MBM site in the next week or two, since that site will be getting removed.

I do have four kits that I have worked on/ made in the past several months. They will be added soon-ish, even if they are late.

I also managed to get any MBM site blog posts re-posted over here. It was a long process, since I was unable to import the posts & had to do them by hand. I was not able to back-date them, so I edited them with the ‘original post’ date at the top of each post.

There isn’t much left to be done here. The forum is mostly cleared out… and new boards will eventually be made. I’ll be making a new ‘look’ for the site here as well…. and if all goes well, I’m hoping to be able to change the site url to the MBM one. I’m crossing my fingers. LOL

This site will eventually be opened up for members to join. Once those members are here… and provided they all have their accounts activated from the email that they get when signing up, I’ll be allowing the first lucky 10 members ONE FREE kit of choice.

You will have to message me on here to let me know which kit it is that you want.

As for the members who are currently here- my guess is eventually you’ll wish to be removed since this is no longer going to be a HIM fansite/ hangout. Any of you are welcome to stay, if you so wish, however.

Please be patient with me as I am trying to get everything set up to the best of my abilities as time allows. I do work a 40 hr week outside my home, so I may not be on here to answer questions right away, or to approve members who join, but I will get to you all as soon as I can.

Anyway, thank you for reading… for joining or visiting. I look forward to what the future holds here for all of us. I hope you do too.

