New Additions to MBM Forum- 1

Greetings, Darklings!

Again, I know it’s probably not ‘typical’ for forums
to post on their blogs their exclusive tubes & kits,
BUT! I thought I’d update this blog (again) with
more of our latest Exclusive tubes we have
in the MBM forum. 😅

This is the first part of MBM Exclusive Updates.

Since my last post, I have acquired/ bought a few
‘adoptables’ from a couple talented artists that
have given me permission to make them available
in my forum for members to get with their points
to use as well.

The ones I’m posting here are ones I got back in
June & July 2023.

The first couple I have are two adorable chibi- like
girls I bought/ adopted from Roni-Maruto:

In July, I also adopted/ bought the following three from 203May:

I will have another post after this one with more
of our exclusives in our forum.

As always, thank you for reading. 😊
Have a great day!
Stay safe & make good choices. 💖

All New Kit Match In MBM Forum

Greetings Darklings!

I know it’s probably not ‘typical’ for forums to post
on their blogs their exclusive tubes & kits, but…
I have made this post before (a few times) already.
So, I’m going to update this blog with our latest Exclusive
kit match we have in our MBM forum. 😅

This kit is for members to spend their hard-earned
heartagrams (points) on & are not available for sale
or as freebies.

The most recent kit I finally have in our forum for members
is a kit match to our Twiggy commission from Arthur Crowe:

This is our newest kit, ‘Mod Chic’:

As always, thank you for reading. 😊
Have a great day!
Stay safe & make good choices. 💖