MBM Forum AI Free

Greetings, Darklings!

After posting a poll for members of the MBM Forum,
it has been decided for our forum to be AI Free.

This means, going forward-
the Manipulated By Magic forum
(also known as MBM) is no longer
allowing tags, etc. to be made with
any kind of AI generated items.
Any items posted that contain AI or
questionable items will be removed
by the administration.

Several members, as well as myself,
refuse to support any AI which is Art Theft
and has been proven to be harmful
to our planet by wasting precious
energy & resources.

If you are a like- minded tagger who wants
an escape from all the AI garbage,
feel free to join us.
We’ll welcome you with open arms.

Thank you for reading. 😊
Have a great day!
Stay safe & make good choices. 💖

More Updated Kits

Greetings, Darklings!

As you may or may not know-
depending on how often you read my blog-
I finally have my shop opened.

I am still updating posts for my PTU kits
on this blog if they’re being added to the shop.
This post is the newest ‘batch’ of kits I have updated
& added. 🙂

Below is another list of what kits I have updated
& added since my previous post about my kits.
All of these kits are completely updated with the
slightly bigger papers & renaming of elements, etc…
and of course, the previews as well. 😉

There are 11 additional kits I have added.
The categories they’re in is in parenthesis:

Easter Basket (Easter)

Hearts At War (HIM-spired)

C’est Du Bon Temps (New Years/ Celebration)

Spring Burst (​Spring)
Spring Potpourri (​Spring)

Touch Of Ireland (​St. Patrick’s Day)
Shamrocks And Rainbows (​St. Patrick’s Day)
My Irish Rose (​St. Patrick’s Day)

Purrfect Valentine (​Valentines/ Love)
Smooochez (​Valentines/ Love)
Romance In Red (​Valentines/ Love)

I have also updated all my posts on this blog with the new
previews and links to where you can find them in my store.
…As well as making an actual post for the ‘My Irish Rose’ kit. 😉

Again, you can find my shop here:
Manipulated By Magik Shoppe

So, that’s the newest batch of updated kits.
I will continue to update posts to kits I’m adding & once
I have several added, I’ll make another post
to list those kits also. 😉

Thank you for reading. Have a great day! 💖
Stay safe & make good choices! 😘

And Happy Shopping! 🥰

No AI in MBM Kits

I have been seeing a lot of stuff posted from various Kit/ CU Designers & taggers about the use of AI generated ‘art’ in kits. It is another shit storm in the land of PSP.

For me, personally, I won’t be using AI for the few kits I make & add to my Shoppe. I think the AI generated stuff is just ‘too much’ in appearance. Also, it requires too much time into using it- such as researching the original source(s) of the AI art that’s been made. And not knowing- or in some cases not being able to find the original source of the items makes me question the Copyright Compliance of it all. Sure, it’s pretty or neat looking, but at what expense?

Unfortunately, a few weeks ago I bought some CU packs that I didn’t know were AI at the time, as they were not marked as such. Now I’m pretty sure it was AI generated elements so I won’t be using them anytime soon. A waste of my money, but oh, well.

For those Designers who wish to use AI elements, etc. in their kits- that is fine… I have seen the POV of ‘evolving with the times’, and they can do what they feel they must to continue sales of their kits. However, for me- if it makes me boring or ‘unevolved’ as a Designer myself, so be it. I have a job outside of making kits. I don’t rely on kit sales for my main income. That being said, I also don’t have time to research the original source of AI items. Making my kits the ‘safe, boring’ way suits me just fine & I’m okay with that.

As always, thank you for reading.
Have a great day!
Stay safe & make good choices! 💖