FTU- CU Styles #1

Original Post Date- 8/22/12, 6:02 AM Central Standard Time

I have some free to use commercial use styles for you. I’d made these when making some of my kits and some went into the store, some didn’t. This is the first half of them.

The glitter styles all come with glittered sheets as well.
The Satin styles are just that- Styles for Photoshop. πŸ˜‰

Download here:Β Cyber Cat Glitter Styles

Download here:Β Cyber Cat Satin Styles

Download here:Β Join Me Glitter Styles

Download here:Β Join Me Satin Styles

Enjoy the styles. =)


Freebie Alert- Kits from the ART Store

Original Post Date- 8/22/12, 3:38 AM Central Standard Time

I have a couple kits I’m putting up on my blog for free. One was a PTU & I updated it as a FTU exclusive to the ART store:

You can now download the kit here:
Emo Glam (Updated)

The other kit I’m offering as a freebie was part of the Back To School collab in the ART store. Please be kind about this kit. I don’t have much CU stuff for any kind of ‘school-themed’ kits, since I never planned on making one. However, it will work for some tags:

You can snag this kit here:
Back To School

Enjoy the kits & have fun with them. πŸ™‚
Your comments are always loved. πŸ˜‰

If you make anything with these kits, please send me a message.
I always enjoy seeing what you make. πŸ™‚


Feel The Rock Tag Show-Off & Extras

Original Post Date- 8/17/12, 7:30 AM Central Standard Time

Yesterday, I saw on my Twitter a small snippet of news about that band I love so much.

Since very early this morning, more wonderful HIM news has been coming in. To say I’m ecstatic would be a small understatement.

I have since been blogging & promoting the news like crazy…. BUT! Those who know me well, know I LIVE for this. It’s a rush for me & I really can’t put it into words. πŸ™‚

Anyway, I decided to make a batch of extras. However, I wasn’t quite sure what to do with them, so I decided to offer them here. πŸ™‚

The tube I used is a commissioned tube Tragedy & I had gotten from The Hunter for my Dark Light forum ( I have since discontinued it being available).

The scrap kits I used is from theΒ Creatively Scrapping blogtrain. The theme is ‘Feel The Rock’ & it’s an awesome mini train you’ll want to pick up. πŸ˜‰

Here’s one of the extras:

Since there’s seven tags total, I chose to put them in a zipfile.

You can get that here:
Feel the Rock Extras

Enjoy the extras. πŸ™‚
