FTU- Template 008

Original Post Date- 8/12/12, 4:05 AM Central Standard Time

I’m back with a new template for you. 😛

It’s based off a HIM song (of course)- ‘Under the Rose’. I’ve always loved the verse
“I’ve been burning in water and drowning in flame” that’s in this song, so that’s what this temp is about.

This template will work for any kind of tags, and with any kind of tubes, so I hope you have fun with it & it gets those creative juices flowing. 😉

There is a PSP & PSD version in the download file.

You can download this template here:
Template 008

As always, I’d love to see your creations with it. 🙂


Original Diva Extras

Original Post Date- 8/11/12, 9:03 PM Central Standard Time

I really had fun with Abstract’s kit (Diva) & that aww-dorable tube from Lynn Rider (Marilyn). Both can be found in the ART store.

So, I had another play, using a template from
Amy & Leah’s Gimptastic Tuts
(temp135) & have some extras for you to snag.

Enjoy the extras. 🙂


Cluster Frame Freebie- Swag Alley Blues

Original Post Date- 8/4/12, 10:31 PM Central Standard Time

It’s been a while since I’ve offered a cluster frame for you.
This frame was made with my Swag Alley Blues kit,
which can be found at ART or Scrap-A-Licious.
*Both stores are closed. Kit was offered as FTU.
-Magik 11/04/2019

In the download is a PNG version, only.

You can download this frame here:
Swag Alley Blues Cluster Frame

Have fun with the frame! 🙂
