My Kits Are Now Available For Purchase Again

Original Post Date- 5/10/15, 12:38 AM Central Standard Time

Yes, I have retired from stores,
however, I still am going to make kits at times
& I wanted to make those & my current ones
available for anyone who wants them without the
hassles of FTP, advertising etc.

So… since my HIM-Addicts site has
an option for me to have a ‘store’ & sell
digital items, I have added my kits there. =)
*That site has since been sunsetted on Dec. 31, 2020
and I am currently awaiting to set up a new shop.
-Magik 3/20/2021

No, you do not need to be a member of the site
to buy a kit… although I’d love to have you
if you chose to join. =P

Anyway, I have set it up where if you buy a kit,
payments will go to my oldest daughter’s paypal
account (with her permission).
I chose to set it up this way for a number of reasons.
Also, on each kit there is a ‘reminder’ that
you need to go back to the store &
the kit to download your zipfile after purchase.
I know it isn’t the best solution, but with the tools
avail. to me on my site, that is how it is set up.

With that being said, here is the link
to find my kits if you still want to buy them:
Magik’s PTU Kits

And I do have three new kits
I’ll be posting about soon…
so keep an eye out for them. =)


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