Nancy Boy- New Kit Available

Original Post Date- 5/10/15, 5:30 AM Central Standard Time

I have another new kit that I made
last month to add to my new little store.

‘Kind of buzz that lasts for days,
had some help from insect ways.
Comes across all shy and coy
just another Nancy boy.’
-Brian Molko, Placebo

This kit has a sex, drugs & rock & roll vibe to it.
It’s based off the song “Nancy Boy” by Placebo.
Unzipped, you’ll find 12 papers, 105 elements
& 5 frames in hot pinks, violets, purple & blacks.

* Content Alert!!!!!!
This kit has Adult Content.
Do NOT purchase if you are easily offended
err… if sex toys, etc. makes you blush.
If you purchase & find the kit is not of your liking
due to the content, I apologise but no refunds will be given.
This kit has items of a sexual nature in it.

* This kit is no longer available for purchase.
-Magik 4/21/2023

I enjoy seeing your creations with my kits.
You can send them to me at:
(remove the brackets in my email.)


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