More Updated Kits

Greetings, Darklings!

As you may or may not know-
depending on how often you read my blog-
I finally have my shop opened.

I am still updating posts for my PTU kits
on this blog if they’re being added to the shop.
This post is the newest ‘batch’ of kits I have updated
& added. 🙂

Below is another list of what kits I have updated
& added since my previous post about my kits.
All of these kits are completely updated with the
slightly bigger papers & renaming of elements, etc…
and of course, the previews as well. 😉

There are 11 additional kits I have added.
The categories they’re in is in parenthesis:

Easter Basket (Easter)

Hearts At War (HIM-spired)

C’est Du Bon Temps (New Years/ Celebration)

Spring Burst (​Spring)
Spring Potpourri (​Spring)

Touch Of Ireland (​St. Patrick’s Day)
Shamrocks And Rainbows (​St. Patrick’s Day)
My Irish Rose (​St. Patrick’s Day)

Purrfect Valentine (​Valentines/ Love)
Smooochez (​Valentines/ Love)
Romance In Red (​Valentines/ Love)

I have also updated all my posts on this blog with the new
previews and links to where you can find them in my store.
…As well as making an actual post for the ‘My Irish Rose’ kit. 😉

Again, you can find my shop here:
Manipulated By Magik Shoppe

So, that’s the newest batch of updated kits.
I will continue to update posts to kits I’m adding & once
I have several added, I’ll make another post
to list those kits also. 😉

Thank you for reading. Have a great day! 💖
Stay safe & make good choices! 😘

And Happy Shopping! 🥰

Tsk Tsk…

Hello, Darklings!

Perhaps I should maybe post this under a ‘Wall Of Shame’ post, but I’ll refrain. At least someone needs a bit of self control.

I am choosing to make this post here on my blog, since our MBM forum is a ‘Drama Free’ zone & my blog is free range to post anything I choose. So now I’m going to give you a piece of my mind…

First of all, If you have to have members of your forum(s) come join our little forum that has maybe a handful & a half of active members… you really have some insecurity issues. I’d say I pity you, but I’m a little peeved that you chose to waste MY TIME by sending them to the forum.

And why did you send them there? So they could- what?- copy/ paste everything for you… or did they simply make screen shots to help you out? Did you get the insight you so desperately craved?

The one member only lasted a day…but the other? Give props to her for staying a whole whopping week! Man, I’m sure she has loads of information for you. Wow. Your minds must be blown.

And I’m going to nip this one in the bud right now- if you honestly think a couple of your members that have been members of my forum for a few months now are supplying me with anything from your forum- get over yourself! First off- there’s plenty of FTU items on blogs around the ‘net- mine included. Second- I can create my own challenges or whatever you prefer to call them without requiring my members to bring me zipfiles from your forum.

For Fuck’s sake, grow the hell up! You do your thing, I’ll do mine.

Oh, and by the way- good luck trying to send more members over to our forum. They need to now be approved by ME- and also be recommended by at least TWO of my current members before they will be allowed to join.

And one more thing- the two who joined & left MBM are BANNED by their IP address from my forum.

This post excludes the ATP (Artistic Tag Passions) forum, The Creative Chicks, Sensual Posers, Tagger’s Inn & Tagger’s Lounge & BAS. I know that those ladies know better.

Thank you for reading. Have a great day!
Stay safe & make good choices! 💖
…And remember- karma can be such a nasty little lady.

Updated Kits In Shoppe

Greetings, Darklings!

As I’d posted a month ago, I finally have my shop opened. I am still
updating posts for my PTU kits on this blog if they’re being added
to the shop. This post will include the newest ‘batch’ of kits I have
updated & added. 🙂

As of right now, I have 78 kits in my shop. Below is a new list of what kits I have updated & added since my previous post about my kits. All of these kits are completely updated with the slightly bigger papers &
renaming of elements, etc… and of course, the previews as well. 😉

There are 19 additional kits I have added.
The categories they’re in is in parenthesis:

Christmas Treasures (Christmas)
Deck The Halls (Christmas)
Peppermint Holiday (Christmas)

Follow The Reaper (Goth/ Occult)

Boo-tiful Nightmare (Halloween/ Horror)
Hocus Pocus (Halloween/ Horror)
Witches Brew (Halloween/ Horror)

WLADE (HIM-spired)

Bear-y Happy New Year (New Years/ Celebration)
Pop Fizz Clink (New Years/ Celebration)

Mistress Of Metal (Rock, Punk)

Bad Student (School)
Prep School Pets (School)
Schoolgirl Blues (School)

Steampunk’d (Steampunk)
Steampunk Blues (Steampunk)
Steampunk Heart (Steampunk)

A Light Frost (Winter)
Snowflake (Winter)

I have also updated all my posts on this blog with the new previews
and links to where you can find them in my store. 😉

Again, you can find my shop here:
Manipulated By Magik Shoppe

So, that’s the newest batch of updated kits. I will continue to update posts to kits I’m adding & once I have several added, I’ll make another post to list those kits also. 😉

And remember… I do have a sale in the shop- Spend $5.00 or more & get 35% off your purchase. There is no code to put in, this discount
is automatic. 🙂

Thank you for reading. Have a great day! 💖
Stay safe & make good choices! 😘

And Happy Shopping! 🥰